Posts Tagged ‘Four Pillars’

Ricky Starks remains unconvinced of AEW’s ‘Four Pillars’ concept, which identified MJF, Darby Allin, ‘Jungle Boy’ Jack Perry, and Sammy Guevara as integral to the promotion prior to Full Gear 2021.

Speaking on The Corner Podcast, Starks effectively said that earmarking certain wrestlers as ‘Pillars’ undermined others. While he is flattered to be referred to as a “Fifth Pillar,” Starks says he doesn’t need the tag, calling it “a box within itself.”

Said Starks (h/t Fightful):

“I actually hate the idea of pillars. I loathe the idea of a pillar because one, it’s a full gimmick, and it came from one guy who, there’s nothing behind it. To say that these four dudes are the pillars of the company, you know what you’re doing by saying that? F everybody else who did anything. Those people don’t matter. It’s these three guys that we’ve deemed, ‘I have bestowed this sacred title upon thee, and I want you to go forth and do with it.’ No, I don’t believe in that. It’s a very sweet gesture to say Ricky should be considered a fifth pillar. Baby, I don’t need to be a pillar, okay? I can be a foundation. I can be the roof. I can be the person outside maintaining the lawn. I don’t need none of that. To me, that’s a box within itself. Four pillars, you got me, ‘What? Four pillars? Four pillars of what? Name one coliseum that you know that’s famous. I bet you couldn’t even do that.”

AEW’s ‘Pillars’ contested the company’s World Championship at Double Or Nothing 2023 this past weekend, with MJF successfully defending the strap on a four-way bout. Starks, meanwhile, was in the night’s Blackjack Battle Royal, eliminating rivals Juice Robinson and Jay White.

This isn’t the first time Ricky has talked about the ‘Four Pillars’ idea. He commented in February 2022:

“To me, the whole pillar talk is hilarious in a sense, because it’s so self-indulgent. It’s nothing that was bestowed upon them. That was just something that came from them. So I usually don’t think about it in that regard. Like, ‘I’m not included in this.’ Who cares? Because to me I’m gonna be much bigger than whatever the pillar is. I’m gonna be much bigger than wrestling, in a sense.”

Last night’s Dynamite saw Starks challenge Jay White to a one-on-one match on next week’s show.

Hook has quickly become one of the hottest young stars in AEW. His fellow Team Taz members Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs recently spoke with and say what fans see on-screen is basically the same Hook they see when cameras aren’t rolling.

Starks recalled it was difficult early on to convince some in AEW to embrace Hook’s unique charisma.

“I remember when he first started with us back in Jacksonville,” Starks said. “A lot of people didn’t get him. A lot of people did not understand him or couldn’t figure out what [he] was about. And I’ll never forget being like, ‘Hey if you wanna wear a hood on TV, you should do it. Just try it, just do it.’ And his dad [Taz] was like, ‘No, he’s gotta show his face.’ [I said] ‘No, just let him do it. Let’s see what happens.’ So it’s cool to see it take off the way it has.

“And obviously, we are very proud to see how far he’s come,” Starks continued. “Especially from when he first started to where it is now. The Team Taz group has been through a lot, quite a bit. And where we’re at right now is not where we want to be, but it’s way better than where we were. So I’m glad and I’m proud to see where he’s at, and he’s awesome.”

The members of Team Taz do not receive as much attention as other young stars in AEW. MJF, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, and Jungle Boy have been labeled the “Four Pillars of AEW”. Powerhouse Hobbs thinks it’s a matter of time before he, Starks, and Hook are included in that conversation.

“We rewrite things,” Hobbs said. “So I personally feel, when (Starks) and I came into AEW, it was during the pandemic era. We got signed about a month apart from each other. I feel that there are doubters out there and I feel every time he steps in the ring and I step in the ring, we change things up, we open everyone’s eyes. Things will change.”

“To me, the whole pillar talk is hilarious in a sense, because it’s so self-indulgent,” Starks added. “It’s nothing that was bestowed upon them. That was just something that came from them. So I usually don’t think about it in that regard. Like, ‘I’m not included in this.’ Who cares? Because to me, I’m gonna be much bigger than whatever the pillar is.

“I’m gonna be much bigger than wrestling, in a sense. And so, I find it so funny. The conversation is so hilarious because nine times out of 10, ‘Well, don’t forget this, and this, and this.’ And yeah, don’t forget, y’all, don’t forget. So I don’t mind it too much. I don’t really try to keep it as a chip on my shoulder, but it is hilarious.”

AEW Women’s Champion Britt Baker recently spoke with In The Kliq Podcast, where she reflected on a recent CM Punk promo. He claimed that Baker was one of the four pillars of AEW, and that is a statement she agrees with.

“I am glad someone said it because I agree. You can’t say AEW and the pillars without bringing up my name too,” Baker highlighted. “I’ve been here, I’ve been the face of the women’s division, and women’s wrestling is just as important as the men’s wrestling. So, to say that I am not a pillar, you need an examination. How could you possibly argue that?”

Britt Baker was then asked about the forbidden door and potential matches outside of AEW. However, for her, she has her eyes set on a free agent. That’s because the Doctor would like to face a former WWE Superstar.

“Not to kind of turn the tides here, but unfortunately, WWE has been releasing so many talents that right now you don’t even have to cross forbidden doors. There’s just so many amazingly talented free agents right now, period,” she said. “There’s just so many right now that I would love to wrestle that I’ve never wrestled before.

“Toni Storm, definitely,” Baker revealed as her ideal opponent. “Toni Storm, when you talk about top female wrestlers if she doesn’t come to mind, then you’re not watching. Because she’s absolutely phenomenal, she’s wrestled all over the world and I have never wrestled her. I would love to somehow, someway, someplace, lock up with her.”

Promos have become a huge part of Britt Baker’s game in AEW. She revealed that Tony Khan pushed for her to start doing them. However, she named two experienced members of the roster who have been helping her improve.

“Definitely Tony Khan,” on who helped with promos. “It was his idea to get me in the ring with a mic anyway. I worked really closely with Chris Jericho and Cody Rhodes on a lot of my promos. Just delivery. People don’t understand how important it is to just be confident when you’re delivering a promo. That’s everything. You can be singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars,” as long as you’re confident, people will listen.”