Nikki Bella On Changing Her In-Ring Style For Ronda Rousey, Wanting Changes For Women In WWE, More

Posted: 18/10/2018 in Sports, WWE
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The Bella Twins recently spoke with Refinery29 to promote the WWE Evolution pay-per-view. The full interview is at this link and below are highlights:

Nikki Bella on wanting change and what Evolution represents:

“I’ve been with the company for almost 12 years and, since day one, I’ve wanted a change for the women here. … [Evolution] represents the barriers that we’ve broken together as women. It’s the perfect time to have a comeback.”

Nikki on her match with RAW Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey and training to adjust to Rousey’s style:

“I literally feel as if I’m training for the Olympics. … I need to move differently. I need to work differently. … I’m ready to give my absolute best performance at Evolution.”

Nikki on waiting for the era of “firsts” in women’s wrestling to come to an end, when all-women’s events or women’s ladder matches aren’t considered groundbreaking as they’re the norm:

“I’m looking forward to the day that it isn’t about women making history.”

Source: Refinery29

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