Posts Tagged ‘Sandra Toffoloni’

Deceased controversial ex-WWE champion Chris Benoit had around ten months left to live, according to a statement made by the sister of the wife he murdered back in June 2007.

Sandra Toffoloni, the sister of Nancy ‘Woman’ Benoit, spoke for the first time since the tragic double murder suicide of six years ago in an interview with According to Ms Toffoloni, doctors who examined the ex-wrestler’s body discovered that Benoit’s heart was so enlarged that he would not have lasted more than ten months before succumbing to death.

Chris Benoit, a former World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Entertainment World Champion was found hanging by the neck in the weight room of his house where he had killed himself after murdering his wife and their young son, Daniel. At first details were sketchy as to what had occurred at the Benoit home and WWE decided to air a tribute show to one of their former top stars. But as news broke the wrestling organisation wisely decided to distance itself from Benoit removing any mention of his name or image from their website and programming. He has never been named since.

According to the report from Benoit’s former sister-in-law the intense wrestlers heart was “huge” and described it as almost three times the normal size. The condition – which would have proved fatal – is ominously similar to that of the late great Eddie Guerrero who died less than two year earlier, just hours before a live show that would see him win back the company’s top title.

Toffoloni, who claims to have been extremely close to Benoit, says that Nancy and Chris had set in motion plans to get out of the wrestling business and to set up their own training academy. These plans fell through however when WWE decided to push Chris into a top feud on their new ECW show which set him back on a path of intense training and self medication.

Sandra then went on to discuss the final moments of her sisters life claiming things became incredibly strained after the death of Sherri Martel another close friend to them both. Benoit – it is alleged – turned to drugs, medication and alcohol and “exploded” as a result. She does not believe his actions had anything to do with trauma resulting from blows to the head.

“The Chris Benoit I had known for a decade loved my sister … he would never – even in the worst episodes – have hurt my sister this bad, I believe he totally blacked out”

Ms Toffoloni ended the interview by saying that Paul Heyman has been a constant support to her since the death and has helped establish a charity in her sisters name. WWE of course has declined to comment.