AEW Announcer Recalls “Uncomfortable” Moment In WWE

Posted: 28/09/2022 in AEW
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AEW ring announcer Justin Roberts has called Brock Lesnar’s shocking win over The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX “very uncomfortable”.

Roberts told Chris Jericho on his ‘Talk Is Jericho’ show that his “stomach dropped” when the referee counted three and fans stood around in sheer “disbelief” inside the cavernous Mercedes-Benz Superdome (now Caesars Superdome) in New Orleans.

Justin knew he had to announce the winner, but he even he couldn’t believe what he was seeing – he hadn’t been briefed on that result ahead of time, so the “Dapper Yapper” had no clue that Brock was ending ‘Taker’s iconic ‘Mania winning streak.

His call? “The winner of this match…Brock Lesnar”. Justin delivered that without any gusto, which actually sold the moment way better than some traditional, over-the-top announcement would have. He’s thankful for that looking back, but regards it as the most “uncomfortable announcement” of his entire career.

Few fans thought Lesnar would end the streak at ‘Mania XXX. It was like the air had been sucked right out of the dome, and everybody struggled to comprehend that The Undertaker was now 21-1 on WWE’s biggest annual show.

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