Gilbert considering selling Cavs

Posted: 29/01/2018 in NBA, Sports
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As rumours of on-court changes swirl around the Cleveland Cavaliers, whispers of a major off-court development have re-emerged.

Owner Dan Gilbert is considering selling the team, according to ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith. This echoes a report from last August, in which sources outside the organization said they expected the Cavs to be put up for sale in the next few years.

The latest report comes in the midst of a brutal 3-9 stretch for the Cavs, one that is begging questions about the team’s ability to reach a fourth straight NBA Finals. LeBron James‘ free agency this summer looms large over the franchise, and Gilbert has been reported to be “fixated” on James’ decision. It has been heavily rumored for years that there’s little love lost between the superstar and owner.

Gilbert became the Cavs’ majority owner in 2005 for $375 million. Forbesestimated the team’s value last year at $1.2 billion – a figure likely higher now.

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