Anna Jay Doesn’t See MJF Losing AEW Title To Boyfriend Jungle Boy

Posted: 16/05/2023 in AEW, Sports
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Anna Jay materialized out of thin air to become one of AEW’s home-grown stars, a Nightmare Factory student who earned a contract on the back of being shockingly competent for a wrestler with less than t0 matches when she first did extra work for the company early in the COVID-19 pandemic. During her time there, she hit it off with fellow home-grown star “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry, with Perry and Jay going public as a couple in June 2021, though they’ve rarely been linked on TV in AEW canon. On Monday, though, she appeared on USA Today’s “Under the Ring” podcast, where she chimed in with her prediction for her boyfriend’s shot at MJF’s AEW World Championship in the “four pillars four-way” a week from this Sunday at Double or Nothing.

“Well, this is hard to say, because I’m in [the Jericho Appreciation Society and] we’ve got Sammy Guevara, [an] incredible talent,” she explained. “Then we’ve got Jungle Boy, who, obviously, I am rooting for behind the scenes a little bit. But then you have the obvious [winner], MJF. I don’t really see him losing this, but you never know. I’m pulling for someone else, but it’ll be a great match regardless.”

Jay mentioned later that she’s always been a Chris Jericho fan, which made her experience being added to the JAS particularly surreal. “I just never thought I would meet him, let alone get to work with him and be in a faction with him, so it’s been really cool,” she noted, also adding that Matt Menard is to the JAS as John Silver was to her in the Dark Order, the one who always makes her laugh.

Double or Nothing takes place on May 28 in Las Vegas; it airs on traditional pay-per-view and Bleacher Report Live in the U.S. and is available in most of the world on FITE TV.

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