Arn Anderson Explains Why There Are Too Many Championships

Posted: 28/02/2023 in AEW, Sports
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If you’re a professional wrestling fan who believes there are too many championships floating around, you’re not alone. WWE Hall of Famer Arn Anderson is right there with you, suggesting some of the titles have long lost what made them meaningful. He recently discussed the topic and pitched a simple solution to cut down on the amount of titles.

“There should’ve been a world champion, an [Intercontinental] Title or U.S. Champion that made you the No. 1 contender for the world championship, tag titles, and a women’s championship,” Anderson said on “Ask Arn Anything.”

Anderson subsequently added a TV Title to the list and said those are all of the championships any promotion needs. He also thinks having both an Intercontinental and United States Champion is redundant. “The U.S. Title never had the luster after probably the Crockett days,” Anderson said, referring to the NWA promotion that was based in the Carolinas. He said adding more titles to the mix just waters down everything.

Anderson said he also doesn’t see the need for two world championships in WWE — the WWE Title and Universal Title — both of which are currently held by Roman Reigns,

“Like you have two companies with Raw and SmackDown, but still you could just have one champion that floats between the two television shows,” Anderson said.

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