AEW’s Renee Paquette Talks Onscreen Interactions With Husband Jon Moxley, Opponents

Posted: 11/01/2024 in AEW, Sports
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The marriage between Jon Moxley and Renee Paquette has been no secret, with the couple acknowledging their relationship whether when they were working with WWE or now AEW. As a result, their marriage has sometimes been incorporated into storylines, such as Moxley’s rivalry with “Hangman” Adam Page and the feud between Moxley’s Blackpool Combat Club stable and his close friend, AEW Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston, both of which took place earlier this year.

In an interview with “POST Wrestling,” Paquette was asked how she, as a backstage interviewer, approaches her onscreen interactions with  Moxley and his rivals, particularly in regards to acknowledging their relationship.

“Those are things I think about as a broadcaster,” Paquette said. “That’s never something him and I speak about. But there’s definitely moments with, like, ‘Hangman’ for example. I’ve had moments with ‘Hangman,’ where ‘Hangman’ was doing a program with Jon, when I had to do some stuff with him on camera, and he’s, you know, mentioning Jon or throwing a dagger my way. He did it not even that long ago, when we were doing a contract signing between him and Swerve when he kind of still threw something my way. I’m like ‘Buddy, this is not my problem! You guys worry about your shit, I’ll do my thing.’ 

“So that stuff is going to come up every now and then. I think…you never want to like lean on it too much. I think you can acknowledge it and have a moment, but I will always, if even if I acknowledge something, I still go ‘I’m a doing a job. I’m being a journalist here. I’m not going to oversell something or overstate something to go ‘Who’s talking about my husband? How dare he!'”

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