Julia Hart Pins Skye Blue, Wins TBS Championship In AEW Full Gear Triple Threat

Posted: 19/11/2023 in AEW, Sports
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Julia Hart has continued her meteoric rise within AEW, capturing the TBS Championship in an entertaining triple-threat match against Kris Statlander and Skye Blue at the Full Gear pay-per-view event in Los Angeles, California. 

Blue and Hart spent an extended period teaming up to take down their larger opponent, but the House Of Black member was the first to turn, leading to all three competitors landing some high-octane offense. Statlander landed some trademark power moves on both of her challengers, before Hart hit a top-rope moonsault onto Blue for a close near-fall as the champion barely made it into the ring in time to break the pin. Blue would get her own two-count off the back of a Code Blue on the champ, but it was Statlander who regained the momentum with a string of German suplexes on both women.

Down the home stretch, Statlander would nail her Saturday Night Fever piledriver finish, but Hart pushed her out of the way and capitalized on a fallen Blue for a three-count and pinfall, marking her first title victory since joining AEW.

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